Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wisdom Wednesday's: Team Building

As I progress to building Butterfly30 into the brand I have envisioned it to be I realize the importance of building a team. It is not any team. It must be the RIGHT team.

The first couple of years into this I met so many people who either talked about it or had ulterior motives it made me sick. This caused me to lose interest and, I must admit, confidence in my talents. I backed out of projects because I felt I was the only one taking this thing called entrepreneurship seriously. But my dreams still centered around my baby. I would awake in the middle of the night with an idea and I could not go back to sleep until I got out of bed and put my ideas to paper. So I tried again.

This time I would seek out so-called professional support groups. Oh boy!!! I went to my local SBA office and poured out my heart- website, blog, ideas, plan, etc-and was told that he didn't GET IT?! What?!?!?!?!!! Can you say heartbroken? As I left the office I randomly stopped a woman who fit my marketing profile, presented myself and my business idea to her and she LOOOVVVEEDDD it! She went on about how this was something the area needed and if it ever came to fruition she would definitely support it. Needless to say, that was the boost I so very needed after being so nicely deflated.

Fast-forward 2010 and I am quietly but effectively re-introducing Butterfly30 and folks better watch out (yeah Mr. SBA I am coming back to show u a thang or two, lol). I am amazed at how things have been snowballing for me. I have met so many people in the business who are constant and consistently referring me for various projects. I am truly appreciative and extremely supportive of them. There is no need for me to name names- they know who they are (hey team!!! lol).

Don't get me wrong, there are a couple bumps that I've experienced but this time I am rolling over them like I'm in a Hummer- don't feel a thing! Whoever isn't on board the last train in Harlem...well, what can I say...buh-bye and Bfly!


Pink Diva said...

Well, Miss know that you have my support. Way back when you first told me about your idea, I thought that it was a winner. You had the idea, the drive and the passion for your business to take off. I am so very glad that you decided to go forth with your idea and I look forward to seeing Butterfly 30.....soar :) smooches. Ja Va' (aka..J Boogie)

Bluestill said...

Miss Kendekka, I will say this "you must first look past the trivial millions if you are ever going to focus on BRANDING your products. Seeking a revenge with someone who you have crossed path with is a waste of energy (not saying that you are but only you know your true motives). Make your presence known by what you put out there for the public and bring them to their knees with not just what you do, but also how you do it so that it is not easily matched or duplicated. Now that is Bluestilling101

Butterfly 30 said...

aww thanks J Boogie! Again, I am only now receive notice of comments so I apologize for the late reply.
Diva, yes you have always supported me and I look forward to us reconnecting. I have a couple ideas I am working on and I'd love to see how we can coordinate our businesses. I <3 Pink Diva're also do for a review. How about those DELICIOUS burgers you served at Harlem Week! I still dream about them,lol

Butterfly 30 said...

@Blue yes you are right but some people don't realize that just because you don't have a traditional business idea it does not give them free reign to be negative. Where would Bill Gates be had he followed tradition...

All I'm saying is I hope he remembers me because I surely remember him (along with the rest of the naysayers) and that is a source of motivation for me. In the meantime do you like my blog, lol?