Friday, July 9, 2010

Food Friday's: Hudson River Cafe

This week my girlies and I decided to hit up The Hudson River Cafe located in Harlem at 697 W 133rd St. in memory of a close friend. I called ahead to confirm "Happy Hour" and we made arrangements to meet at 5pm. I arrived a bit early and as I sat by my lonely self...there were two cute guys @ the bar with me ;~)...I ordered the "Under the Bridge".

"Under the Bridge Sangria"...chardonnay, brandy & juices $8

This drink was tasty. It was the best light sangria I've tasted...not too dry, or too sweet. And during HRC's (Hudon River Cafe's) Happy Hour it was only $4 instead of $8.

My friends arrived and we decided to sit at a table indoors as it was wayyyy to hot for outdoor dining and drinking. Boy, was this a mistake. I had to settle my bill with the bartender before I could be seated...hunh? The "rules" of Happy Hour changed at the dining table...less than 5 feet from the bar. Drinks are full-priced. The nice manager, Gigi, comped us a drink as mine was paid for...with a tip. However, when we attempted to go to the bar to order more drinks we were told this was not allowed. Again, we had to settle our dining bill prior to bar service. WTH?!?! I thought the idea of Happy Hour was reduced food/drinks in an establishment to draw a crowd. This was wayyyy tooo complicated. Needless to say we were disappointed.

Although, we enjoyed the live band and the food wasn't bad...chicken a bit dry and improper cutting utensil (yes, a butter knife- maybe I'll tell you the story about that one later, lol)...this is not a place I'd recommend. Too many rules and for the price you pay for food service should be on par. A not so happy, Happy Hour...

"Grilled BBQ Semi-Boneless 1/2 Chicken w. Cream Spinach & Garlic Mashed Potatoes"

"Crab/Lobster Stack"...w. avocado & mango $14

But that's just my two cents...Bfly!


Butterfly 30 said...


Anonymous said...

love ur blog...keep up the good work! jASSY

Butterfly 30 said...

Thanks Jassy! Sorry for the late reply but I the notices weren't setup :(

I'm back...feel free to tell me what you'd like to me to include so I can make this an even better blog! Happy New Year!