Sunday, July 25, 2010

Snippet Sundays: What I am doing this week

So this past week was a lil bit hectic. I had some obstacles to overcome, my first cake tasting, meetings with my web & business card developer, updates with one of my fav designers Charlie JOnes (check back for a full interview in August and a sneak peek at some of her designs) and recipes to try out. As I ran around town with my head cut off like the proverbial chicken I realized I needed to do the following:

  • Manage my time better

  • Set realistic work hours and stick to it

  • Always, Always! have a small notebook for my ideas- separate from my Butter Book

  • And network, netWork, Network!

So what's coming up this week: check out Musician Monday's for my favorite artist of the week...another recipe tasting provided by FB's (facebook) own Chef Tracey on Tasty Tuesday's...a review of a new and local nail salon in Harlem for Fashion Friday's...and Things to To Do Thursdays that will give you what else...a list of some things to do in the upcoming weeks. AND MY PHOTOSHOOT!!!!!

I am looking forward to this journey! Join me on the ride...Bfly

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