Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tasty Tuesday's: "Chef" Tracey's Oxtails

After a much needed hiatus I am back with Tasty Tuesday's. I am excited to feature "Chef Tracey Williams" of Atlanta who I met on facebook and has been nothing but a source of motivation. Here's what you should know about this Southern Belle:

Although being self-taught by her deceased mother as a youngster and furthering her craft in the United States Army at twenty, "Chef" Tracey Williams has established herself as the go-to person for authentic southern cuisine. While stationed in Hawaii, Tracey enjoyed sampling diverse foods, especially Roy Yamaguchi's Hawaiian Fusion Cuisine. Experimenting with various ingredients and refining them with lots of taste testings and recipe revisions, she has compiled a delightful menu of appetizers, main courses and desserts that her mother will be most proud of.

Featured below is "Chef" Tracey's Oxtails...try it out and tell us what you think.

"Chef" Tracey’s Oxtails & Rice

4 pounds oxtails
2 large Vidalia onions, chopped
3 scallions, chopped
4 Roma tomatoes, chopped
4 garlic cloves, smashed
3 tablespoons of flour for dredging
1 bunch fresh thyme
2 tablespoons red pepper flakes
4 teaspoons hot paprika
2 bay leaves
6 cups low-sodium beef broth
*Lawry’s Season Salt, garlic salt and Black pepper to taste

*Trim the fat from the beef oxtails and wipe with damp paper towels.
*Season the oxtails with Lawry’s Season Salt, black pepper and garlic salt.
*Coat the oxtails well with flour.
*In hot oil in large kettle, over low heat, slowly brown the beef oxtails.
*Add onions, scallions, garlic, thyme, tomatoes, red pepper, paprika, bay leaf
*Add enough broth to just cover the oxtails and bring the mixture to a boil.
*Lower to a simmer, cover and cook 2 hours.
*Every 30 minutes for 2 hours add 2 cups of water or broth, alternating, as necessary, to keep
oxtails covered with liquid.
*Cook, stirring constantly, until gravy thickens.
*Remove from heat.
Serve over fluffy white rice.

Yield: 4 to 6 servings

Normally I like to post photos of the process and a final shot but thanks to a now defunct cell all of my photos are lost. However, the end result (even with my modifications) was delicious and one I would serve as an alternative to my oxtail recipe.

"Chef" Tracey Williams can be contacted via her website: http://www.blessednhighlyflavoredcatering.com/Menus.html

or you can enter her world via facebook (make sure you are logged in):

Ler her know Butterfly30 sent you~


Anonymous said...

You go girl I am so proud of you, so glad you are my cuz.

Butterfly 30 said...

Why thanks cuz! But ummmm which one...there's a million of us rofl!