Thursday, January 21, 2010

Tasty Thursdays: January 21, 2010

Okay, since this is my first blog (woohoo) I want to tell you about the fun I had last week at my friend's get together. It was last minute- and I am sooo glad I went! I met some really nice people...or so far they seem nice, lol. But I threw a faux leather jacket in purple, a pair of great fittin Odyn jeans, a cute black shirt from H&M, and a pair of purple suede shoes for texture and strutted myself out the door. Needless to say I looked fabulous for a new mommy with no makeup and no prep time (check out my default pic please).

I arrived at Harlem BBQ's and instantly chatted up Charlie...she had on the most fabulous patent leather shoes (darn, I should've taken a photo...let me see if I can find one)! She's recently from ATL and she was a blast. Can you say PERSONALITY!!!! Finally my friend arrived and we hugged since we haven't seen each other in years...we all trooped into the dining area and immediately ordered our drinks.

I am not a heavy drinker but the "apple" martinis were ok. Although mine was decent, my friend (who is a serious drinker) did not enjoy hers very much. Instead of them being green or apple in color we had varying shades of peach and beige- go figure. I loved the was shaken and poured into our glasses and individual shakers (yes, with the rest of our awesome!!!) were left at our place sets! That definitely made up for the okay drink. Needless to say I still felt a buzz ;)

So after photos ops, laughs, exhanging of numbers and FB (that's facebook for those that don't know) info we departed...until next time.

(Thank you Kevin A. Richards Photography for the fantastic images)

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